Our head office, asbestos and Legionella services will close on the 22/12/2023 at 16.30 and will reopen on the 02/01/2024.

Please consider these dates when submitting samples for testing, so if required, we can return your results before the Christmas break.

We know that emergency situations may require asbestos testing and consultancy input over the Christmas holidays. With that in mind, we have members of our team on call throughout the shutdown period.

If you need to arrange asbestos testing or require an emergency asbestos air test over the Christmas break, then please contact us at enquiries@scientificservices.org. We will be monitoring this mailbox and will get back to you. If we have the available resource, we will provide the support that you need.

We hope that you have a happy Christmas and a great New Year. Thank you to all of our customers for your continued custom and support.

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